ENTHUSIASM OF THE WEEK- Deco Restoration and NYC Development

[raw] The combination of beautiful buildings and a couple of spectacular days weather wise in NYC refueled my inspiration.

I went to a private showing for professionals to see the newly restored lobby of the Deco era Verizon Headquarters building on Tuesday morning.  Located so close to the  9/11 bombed World Trade Center that the 140 West Street edifice was damaged extensively, it was again traumatized by Hurricane Sandy leaving at least four feet of water in the lobby.  Luckily the building is landmarked and they spent all the money necessary to bring it back to it’s original beauty.

Thursday evening was a presentation I attended at the Center For Architecture made by the principles of the firm responsible for developing Hudson Yards, that remaining large hunk of the West side near the Hudson River waterfront. Most of the 3 blocks of planned mixed use buildings between 30th an 33rd, should be completed by 2017.  Don’t wait until then to know the potential of the change this will make in that area of NYC, (think Time-Warner Center).  See the exhibition and attend a remaining presentation on 6/19 or 6/25/2013.  HudsonYardsNewYork.com

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IMG_0897Another highlight of that adventure was the brilliant sun shining off of the new towers seen from the rear entrance of the Verizon building, that are replacing the World Trade Center area that was destroyed.  I must get back downtown soon to see the other restorations and new skyscrapers in the area.[clear h=”20″] [/raw]

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